Those who know me, know that way, way, way back in the days I used to write blogs. It was fun and therapeutic! My life was an open book. Somehow, what started off as a small venture seems to be growing and I need to keep up with the upward mobility. My friends, family, and Sorors told me "you should sell your creations" and I listened. I started off with just giving gifts to friends and family, and then I made an Instagram page and Facebook page. Then one day out of the blue an old friend popped up on FB and told me that he had started his small business on Shopify and how easy it was. This whole month has been quite the spiritual journey with me listening intently to my pastor's sermons and following the instructions of the word. They led me to this!!
I pray that this is what I'm meant to be doing with my talents and hopefully my products will bring joy to those who love wearable art and custom products!! I'm excited and nervous and I can't wait to make something memorable for you! Thank you and I pray that you come back!!
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Let your clothes and my products say the things you want said!!
Amazing :) So proud and happy for you Sis. The website looks beautiful.